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5.11.2016 - 10.11.2016 První trenérský seminář světové úrovně - systém IGLA


Historical European KHAN camp!

This Autumn we write a new chapter in the history of Muaythai !! We are happy to invite you to the historical event - 1st European KHAN camp !!


We are pleased to announce that this autumn (12-17th of November) the 1st European KHAN camp will offer you an extraordinary opportunity to gain great knowledge of Muaythai from Thai masters. This important event will take place in the city of Bansko, Bulgaria, and will be held under the auspices of International Federation of Muaythai Amateur (IFMA) in accordance with current trends in Muaythai and official IFMA training system.


European KHAN camp will bring a lot of benefits to your National Federations, coaches, gyms and Muaythai practitioners.


For National Muaythai federations:

- It will be great opportunity to unify all clubs across the country under one standard.

- Upon completion the course your federation will have certified coaches.

- It will take Muaythai in your country to the next level by systematising the whole training system, which will establish a proper structure in your national federation.

- Like in other Martial Arts it will give proofs of excellence to training adepts which will attract new practitioners to your member gyms. For those who don’t compete it will be great distinction of their training progress. Like in other martial arts it has a crucial importance for practitioners to have an evidence of their progress, like belts in Karate or Judo.

- Every participant will get access to iGLA - Muaythai animation education system, which is set of the animated Muaythai techiques officially approved by WMC and IFMA. This system will standarize the Muaythai taught at your country.

- Your federation will gain ONE OF THE FIRST certified trainers with a KHAN degree!



Now is the best place and time to start, because you can have:

- Possibility of obtaining 9 KHAN and higher if national federation puts you forward for obtaining such degree.

- For you to be one of the first certified trainers with proof of excellence regardless of competition record.

- The course will strictly abide official IFMA rules and will be run by Muaythai Masters from Thailand.

- Possibility to polish your skills under the supervision of Thai Masters.

- Every participant will get access to iGLA - Muaythai animation education system, which is set of the animated Muaythai techiques officially approved by WMC and IFMA. It will be of great help for participants in refreshing knowledge about Muaythai techniques. Additionally it will give new possibillities to learn techniques from basic to advanced, up to 9 KHANs with 172+ master movements.

- BE ONE OF THE FIRST certified trainers with a KHAN degree!


For Muaythai gyms:

- You can show the value of your gym by gaining KHAN degree on our course and let your adepts to have such KHAN degree as well.

- After the course You will be able to test your students and issue KHAN degrees.

- This system will allow you to establish Public Relations of Muaythai in Europe, and the circles of muaythai practitioners in your gym will grow immensely.

- It will let you build a long lasting relationships with muaythai practitioners who train for fitness rather than competing.

- Every participant will get access to iGLA - Muaythai animation education system, which is set of the animated Muaythai techiques officially approved by WMC and IFMA. It will be an awesome collection of Muaythai techniques, which can be taught in your gym.


Let your gyms be among the first by inviting them to the camp which focuses on coaches and people closely connected to Muaythai. Every coach will gain access to special IFMA training system iGLA - Muaythai animation education system. Apart of all of those benefits, every participant will have opportunity to rest at Bansko. It is the number one ski resort in Bulgaria surrounded by national park, a world heritage site.


KHAN camps will be a regular event but such a good offer like this will only be available this time!!

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